Reusing Broken Crayons

I don't know about you guys, but I have very little patience for broken crayons. As much as I try to contain my kids' art supplies and make them clean up after themselves, I always end up bending over scooping up tiny crayon pieces and then not having the heart to trash them. So awhile back, I started collecting them in a little baggie for a project. I tried to bribe my kid by saying she could only help me with this if she cleaned up her toys. I guess the project didn't seem cool enough, because she refused. She sure liked watching each step of the process though. NOTE: I highly recommend getting your kids to do the dirty job of peeling the paper off the crayons. I kind of forgot I'd have to do this, and it took way longer than I expected. How to make crayon disks 1. Chop crayons 2. Spray and fill muffin tin Spray the muffin tin with nonstick cooking spray. There are other ways to make these (microwave and Dixie cups, for example), but I had this on h...