
Showing posts from November, 2017

Back in the saddle with Winc

After a little pause in my Winc wine club subscription, and a "meh" experience with Bright Cellars , I'm back in the saddle with Winc. Anyone have Aerosmith stuck in their head now? No? Just me? Well, anyway... The differences between these two services is becoming more clear as I vacillate between them. Frankly, Winc is just sexier. I'm not usually swayed by extras, but their monthly magazine (oh, excuse me, journal ) is a nice touch. For once, I actually plopped down and read the thing after a marathon cleaning session the other day. I like that you can read about each wine's personality as well as proper food pairings for each bottle. Winc journal The journal includes some articles up front, then pages and pages of their latest wines with descriptions and proper food pairings. I have yet to actually pair a bottle with a meal, but I love the idea. And then there's the Winc website. Unlike Bright Cellars, Winc just puts their wines right ou

Two cheers for Meritage

Yikes. It's been awhile since I blogged about wine. So, if I haven't gotten a shipment in a couple of weeks, what the heck have I been drinking? Well... A little of this and a little of that. When I'm not trying wine-subscription wine, I'm usually drinking something from Trader Joe's (whatever sounds appealing in the Fearless Flyer) or a bottle from Costco. Costco is pretty dang solid for wine. I usually avoid the bulk shelf section and choose something from the fancier bins. I'm sure there are some great ones in the bulk area, but I don't make it to Costco that often and feel like the specialty wines are a safer bet of guaranteed deliciousness. Lately, though, I've been sending the hubby on Costco runs since that parking lot gives me heart palpitations and our kids are generally unpleasant to cart around on errands. The man knows I love my reds, so he'll graciously pick up a bottle of red for me while he's there. We won't speak of the time

Bright Cellars review and wine ratings: meh

Back in October, I got my first Bright Cellars shipment. Check out my unboxing here . Now it's time to rate those wines! I went to the Bright Cellars website to review my wine ratings I'd posted there. And I noticed something interesting about my ratings. Do you see it? Check out the screenshot below: *Spoiler alert* I rated each and every one of them three stars. Three stars. That's just "meh" on the Meg Wine Scale . Here are my individual wine notes. Acopio Tempranillo 2015 : Nose: dust (not in a bad way. Like a box of old goodies). Envelope glue. Taste: medium bodied, smoothish. Blackberry. Obscura Cabernet Sauvignon 2015 : Nose: juicy, festive. Pretty light for a cab. Cherry, maybe a little vanilla on the finish but I'm not super impressed. Will have to see as it warms up. Hmm there's something kinda fake melony about it. Burrasca Falanghina 2016 : A little funky (in a good way). Melony. It's fine; it's hard to tell how good it