
Showing posts from June, 2018

Demo Day

...Have Chip and Joanna trademarked that phrase? In any case, I bet those two demo gods are WAY better about planning demos than us amateurs. With no timeline or plan of action or thoughts about 'What guests are arriving in the coming months that might require...a guest bathroom?', Cliff began tearing it apart, on a random weekend at the end of March. Big ol' mirror is gone Gotta find a place for our guest-crap Watch out for those power tools, kids.     Taking apart the vanity Time capsule from the early 90s!! So there you have it. He tore it all out! It took about two days. The light fixture was a pain in the ass, as it was built into the ceiling in a big box. (Apparently this is called a soffet. I can't say that word without thinking of the one contractor repeating over and over in her plans for the bathroom, "Cancel soffet.") (Cancel it, gosh darnit!) Broken items: 1 window 1 toilet :( We found some rand

Intro: Our '80s-tastic Guest Bathroom Remodel

As some of you know, we've undertaken the giant task of remodeling our guest bathroom. Ourselves. We chose to start with this bathroom instead of our hideous blue-carpeted, pink-walled master bath, because it seemed like a smaller, easier job. Well, we were wrong. Because we're amateurs. I cannot believe I neglected to take a Before Photo. This is the closest pic I could find; the giant frameless mirror is already out (or, as one lady from a remodeling company kept saying, "cancelled") in this photo: Our '80s guest bathroom, featuring peach walls and pink floor tile. And of COURSE oak cabinets. The Planning Stage After years of Pinterest-dreaming about a sexy new bathroom, I finally had a chance to ACTUALLY do something with all those pins! EEEEEE! Back in December 2017, we started talking with remodeling companies as well as individual contractors. It proved very difficult to get people to call us back. There were a few slimy guys and one very Chatty