Intro: Our '80s-tastic Guest Bathroom Remodel

As some of you know, we've undertaken the giant task of remodeling our guest bathroom. Ourselves. We chose to start with this bathroom instead of our hideous blue-carpeted, pink-walled master bath, because it seemed like a smaller, easier job. Well, we were wrong. Because we're amateurs.

I cannot believe I neglected to take a Before Photo. This is the closest pic I could find; the giant frameless mirror is already out (or, as one lady from a remodeling company kept saying, "cancelled") in this photo:

Our '80s guest bathroom, featuring peach walls and pink floor tile. And of COURSE oak cabinets.

The Planning Stage

After years of Pinterest-dreaming about a sexy new bathroom, I finally had a chance to ACTUALLY do something with all those pins! EEEEEE!

Back in December 2017, we started talking with remodeling companies as well as individual contractors. It proved very difficult to get people to call us back. There were a few slimy guys and one very Chatty Cathy. And of course, the few people we would've liked to work with were on the very expensive side.

We spent several weeks pondering what to do, all while Cliff the Engineer began researching different aspects of the process and reading about ways even professionals screw things up.

And that's how he came to the decision to remodel the bathroom alllll by himself.

My legit reaction to this turn of events

I was a little nervous about this decision. I liked the idea of having one go-to (professional) person managing all the different elements, but I also saw the benefits of doing everything on our own time (i.e. working around kids' sleep schedules) and not having strangers in our house for weeks on end. Not to mention SAVING A CRAPLOAD OF MONEY. But what were we in for??

At the time of writing this, we are several months into it, and I'm choosing to believe that it is all worth itthe extra strain on me watching the kiddos while hubby works on the bathroom most weekends, the countless hours he has spent on YouTube learning how to do things, and then the enormous task of actually doing the things, all while encountering snag after snag after snag.

How many trips to Home Depot does it take to finish a remodel? The world may never know.

 Follow along as our project marches on at a snail's pace...


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