Demo Day

...Have Chip and Joanna trademarked that phrase? In any case, I bet those two demo gods are WAY better about planning demos than us amateurs.

With no timeline or plan of action or thoughts about 'What guests are arriving in the coming months that might require...a guest bathroom?', Cliff began tearing it apart, on a random weekend at the end of March.

Big ol' mirror is gone

Gotta find a place for our guest-crap

Watch out for those power tools, kids.
Taking apart the vanity

Time capsule from the early 90s!!
So there you have it. He tore it all out! It took about two days. The light fixture was a pain in the ass, as it was built into the ceiling in a big box. (Apparently this is called a soffet. I can't say that word without thinking of the one contractor repeating over and over in her plans for the bathroom, "Cancel soffet.") (Cancel it, gosh darnit!)

Broken items:
1 window
1 toilet

We found some random items that had fallen behind the built-in vanity, irretrievable to the original owners of the house. Since the house was built in 1989, it was like finding a little time capsuleincluding a tampon, banana clip, and eyeshadow. Do you think anyone really wore that yellow eyeshadow?? Yeesh.


It's a little scary, isn't it? I want you to take notice of that pipe running along the wall on the left, just above the floor (covered in white stuff). That pipe would become the bane of our existence in a few short weeks. But we'll get to that later.

You might be wondering where all this crap went once he tore it out. "Surely they paid someone to haul it away, or rented a dumpster?" you think. No. This crap is currently in our side yard, much to the chagrin of our neighbors who already hate us. It's also much to the chagrin of Mommy, who freaks out anytime the kids are playing in the backyard and wander around to the side yard, despite all efforts to block it off.


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