Two cheers for Meritage

Yikes. It's been awhile since I blogged about wine. So, if I haven't gotten a shipment in a couple of weeks, what the heck have I been drinking?

Well... A little of this and a little of that. When I'm not trying wine-subscription wine, I'm usually drinking something from Trader Joe's (whatever sounds appealing in the Fearless Flyer) or a bottle from Costco. Costco is pretty dang solid for wine. I usually avoid the bulk shelf section and choose something from the fancier bins. I'm sure there are some great ones in the bulk area, but I don't make it to Costco that often and feel like the specialty wines are a safer bet of guaranteed deliciousness. Lately, though, I've been sending the hubby on Costco runs since that parking lot gives me heart palpitations and our kids are generally unpleasant to cart around on errands. The man knows I love my reds, so he'll graciously pick up a bottle of red for me while he's there. We won't speak of the time he unwittingly bought me a bottle labeled "slightly sweet + low alcohol." Two strikes!

Recently, I had the pleasure of trying two different Meritage wines, both of which were very good. Oh, and thanks to the Trader Joe's Fearless Flyer, I learned that this style rhymes with "heritage," not "fromage." Don't try to be fancy and French-ify it! Meritage is an American wine made in the Bordeaux style. Now ya know.

Kirkland Signature Napa Valley Meritage 2013

Rating: 3.5/5

Notes: "Very good. Almost a 4 but.. eh not QUITE intéressant enough." So this one is a 3.5-star wine on my scale. Hey, any evening in which I drink a wine I feel is above a 3 is a pretty good evening in my book.

Trader Joe's Meritage Reserve 2014

At $7.99, this is a steal for how much flavor you get. I definitely would buy  it again. You can read more about this one over at the Trader Joe's website.

Rating: 4/5

Notes: "Very smooth, cherry, leather." Apparently I went back and edited my original rating to note that it was NOT good on the third day. Next time, I'll be sure to finish the bottle before it goes funky!


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