After-school meltdowns, sand, and stinky feet

Wow! It's been a lonnng while since the last blog post. We started school this year (what?! I have a Kindergartener??) and promptly got swept up in the tornado of new schedules, pickups, dropoffs, school events, and busy-ness. I thought we were busy BEFORE this. Meanwhile, our 3-yr-old has been torturing us with nighttime wakeups and verrry early mornings. We'd been having problems with his sleep off and on for months, but the time change really screwed the kids up. And this is supposed to be the "easy" time change! It's been two full weeks since we set our clocks back, and we're just now getting on the right track of waking up closer to 6am. Many days it's closer to 5:30, but that's a huge improvement over 4:30! In light of all that, I'm not sure whether this post belongs on this particular blog or if it should be moved over to my private blog about my kiddos, but since this is my life now, this is what you get. Ada is doing great in school,...