Hagelslag, Two Ways

On a totally random internet rabbit trail, I recently discovered that Dutch people put sprinkles on buttered bread for a snack. This phenomenon is called "hagelslag", and it's not just for kids. Apparently Dutch people are reeeally passionate about their sprinkles. I had a friend in college whose roommate insisted on putting sprinkles on really inappropriate things, like pasta. Maybe he was Dutch?? Just look at all these sprinkles options: Some of them are more like actual chocolate shavings. Ooooh. There's an informative and humorous article about Dutch sprinkles here if you neeeed to know more, like I did. 😂 Anyway, I decided I HAD to try it, even though I was really weirded out by it. I mean, I'm totally down with bread—even more down with bread and butter—but sprinkles on top?? The sprinkles we have in America always seem to be stale and tasteless, more just for sprucing up a cake or donut. So I acquired some legit Dutch sprinkles (thank you, Wor...