In the beginning... of quarantine

It's been AGES since I last posted. I started going through a rough patch toward the end of last year. Around March, I was finally starting to come out of it, with our trip to Hawaii as a light at the end of the tunnel. And then... Coronavirus 2020 hit. I just wanted to get some thoughts down about this crazy time before I forget it all. Everything is weird right now. I'm growing some of my bangs out (yes, just some), so my hair is whack. My hubby is home with us all day. Both KIDS are home with me all day. Basically, nothing is normal anymore. The first few weeks of this quarantine were rough. It was truly a roller coaster of emotions. At first I was in total denial, but one by one as more things shut down, I tried to accept our fate. My biggest disappointments in all this were: 1) the fact that Ada wouldn't get to finish Kindergarten. You guys. It was such a hard transition and we were finally in a good place with school! And Ada LOVES her teacher and schoolmates. We ...