Choosing an online wine club

I did hours of research before choosing an online wine club. If you're like me, you might be tempted to just go with the cheapest option out there. That might be just fine! But it helps to take a step back and first think about what you really want out of your wine club―otherwise, it's not going to be any more enjoyable than just grabbing whatever's on sale at your local store.

Things to ponder:

  1. What's your level of expertise? Are you joining in order to try new things and figure out what you like, or are you in search of unique, hard-to-find stuff?
  2. Do you want someone to curate your wine for you, or do you want more control over what wine you receive? Some clubs handpick a few wines each month or quarter, and ALL customers receive the same wines. Other clubs take your preferences into account.
  3. Do you want to be able to see what wines are offered and be able to buy more of the same bottles? Or just try new things every time?
  4. Do you love all red or all white? Some clubs let you have, say, 3 reds + 1 white, while others force you to be "all-in" on one kind.
  5. What's your budget? How much are you actually spending on wine? Do you ever end up pouring wine out because you didn't care for that particular bottle? Do you usually finish a bottle before it goes bad?
Your answers to these questions should help you narrow it down, if you're feeling overwhelmed with the options out there. Happy searching!

Oh. One more thing. Pour yourself a glass of wine. It might inspire you!


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