Does running down the street after the UPS man make me a wino?

My first Bright Cellars wine box arrived today! I'm very excited to see what they have to offer. We'll see how it compares to my previous wine club experience, Winc.

Confession: I tore all the bottles open right away in my excitement, before I took pics for the blog. What an amateur!
Guys. I almost missed it! The box has to be signed for by an adult, cuz, well, it's full of booze. Of COURSE the UPS man would come during the two minutes I was gone picking up my daughter from preschool. As I pulled into my driveway, I saw him delivering a package a couple houses up the street. So I did what any normal human would do: left my kids in the car and ran like a mad woman to catch him. 

When I returned with my precious box and checked on my kiddos in the car, I discovered (huh?!) sand. EVERYWHERE. My little girl had dumped a very large amount of sand out of her boot and was chucking it. All over. On the seats. On the floor. And straight into her brother's eyes. Not only was I pissed at the thought of cleaning up this mess, but my dreams of cozying up to a nice cuppa coffee and some quiet time (while she and her brother napped) quickly dissolved.

Preschoolers ruin everything, amiright??

Opening the Box

Anyway, still out of breath from chasing the UPS guy and cleaning out my whole car, I recorded my first EVER video for the blog:

You guys! I was so nervous making this video. It goes against my whole being. I'm incredibly camera-shy, not to mention just plain shy, and I HATE hearing my recorded voice. What am I even doing?! But these are the kinds of sacrifices you make in the name of creativity and the desire to have something to keep your brain from turning into a pile of mush from caring for needy children all day.

Instead of using liquid courage to make this video, I looked at this picture of my best goofball friend, being a goofball. I pretended I was talking to her. It sort of helped?

I haven't tasted the wine yet, but here are my overall thoughts so far:

The packaging doesn't seem as secure as Winc. The delivery drivers probably don't give a fiddler's fart about what precious things are inside these boxes, yeah? Especially when madwomen are running after them all the time: they just wanna get this sh*t delivered. So I imagine they're not super careful with this stuff. I like that Winc wines are all cozily cushioned with styrofoam. The Bright Cellars wine is sort of floating around amidst some cardboard slots. Probably more environmentally friendly, though.

The tissue paper around each bottle seems unnecessary, although it kinda feels like you're opening a bunch of wine bottle–shaped presents. And the stickers have really cute sayings on them. "Time to sip into something more comfortable." Teehee.

Aren't they pretty?
Later on.... I will sip this wine and taste it for you! If you'd like to join me in trying out Bright Cellars, click here to get $30 toward your first box.


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