Cold Brew: Part Two

I'm at it again with my coffee fix! This time, I taste a couple big-name brands alongside some local SoCal offerings. (P.S. How do you feel about the word SoCal? I think it's a convenient contraction, if not a bit surfery. Wait, IS it a contraction??) Go here for part one of the coffee tasting reviews.

Trader Joe's Coconut Cold Brew

I looove the idea of this one, but it's SO bitter. It works a lot better heated up with milk for a latte.

Stumptown Cold Brew

Very smooth; toward the sour end (vs roasty). I felt "meh" about drinking it black. With cream and added ice, it was delicious.

And now, for the local companies' offerings...

Secret Squirrel Cold Brew (Black)

This brand is out of Anaheim. I forgot to taste it before adding cream. Oops. It's really nice; nutty and not bitter.

"Warning: consuming this beverage may cause you to change the world."

Bold Brew Coffee

This one comes to us from a local company started by SDSU students. They market it to surfers and snowboarders and the like, as an alternative to energy drinks. Coffee for energy?! Imagine that! Anyway, it comes in a cute mini-can that totally harks back to the '80s. The coffee is on the fruity/sour side; a bit thin.

Red Hat Coffee

Red Hat Coffee is another San Diego company. The coffee has a nice, rich aroma. It's a pretty bold medium-dark roast. Great with cream.

Gee, I'm noticing a theme here for me: everything tastes better with cream! Happy coffee-drinking!


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