Making a No-Sew Gnome Hat

For Halloween this year, we're going as lawn gnomes. Or just gnomes? I don't know. Anyway, in an effort to continue the family thread of creativity that my mom had (she made most of our Halloween costumes growing up), I decided to DIY our gnome hats. You could totally adapt this to be a princess or elf hat.

It's pretty darn easy, and you don't need to know how to sew. You'll need:

  • A yard or two of felt (depends how many hats you're making)
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun + glue sticks
  • Disappearing ink fabric pen (if you have one)

Let's get started.

1) Measure your people's heads. My kiddos' noggins were both about 20" around. The adults were 21" and 22".

2) Cut an isosceles triangle (yay geometry!)

The base of the triangle will be the head circumference you measured. The hat height is up to you. I made my kids' hats roughly 13" tall, and the grownups' 17" tall.

*Be sure to leave 1/2" to 1" leeway on the sides--this is where you'll glue them together*

I marked my measurements on the felt with a disappearing ink marker. You could use a regular felt tip marker and just make sure the marks end up on the inside of the hat.

3) Glue sides together and don't burn your finger like I did.

Fold one side down, overlapping the other side onto it as you glue. I forgot to add some leeway on the first hat I made, and since I was trying to get the glue as close to the edge as possible, I totally burned my finger with hot glue that I couldn't scrape off my finger right away. Ouch!

Trim away excess fabric on the bottom.

Um, that's really it. Someday, I'd like to make a more complicated costume, but for now, I need EASY-PEASY.


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